Aurigraph Finverse 3

Aurigraph Finverse is a modular platform consisting of a Digital Banking platform and an e-Marketplace bound by an ERP, CRM, Retail Point of Sale, and Payment processing system in one unique offering a comprehensive cutting-edge solution to its clients and users


Automated document processing and contracting using Aurigraph ActiveContracts with asset tokenization
Online Payment Processing using FIAT or Cryptocurrency
Modular Architecture 
Digital Banking  ​E-Marketplace and Exchanges  ​Trade Finance 

Finverse 3 Digital Banking platform 

Finverse3 Digital Banking as a Service 

Scalability and Customization

  • Accommodates Growth: Finverse3 architecture is designed to scale with a growing user base, making it suitable for both small institutions and large banks.
  • Customizable & Extensible : High customizability to fit your specific product offerings, business rules, and regulatory requirements that may grow over time.

Technical Advantages

  • Cloud-Ready: Finverse3 can be deployed in both private and hybrid cloud, offering flexibility and potentially lower costs compared to on-premises solutions.
  • API-Driven: Finverse3 uses robust APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) that allow easy integration with other financial applications and services

Core Banking Features

  • Client Management: Efficiently manage customer data, including account information, KYC (Know Your Customer) documents, and transaction history.
  • Account Management : Create and manage various account types, such as savings, checking, and loan accounts.
  • Loan and Savings Management : Process loan applications, manage repayments, calculate interest, and manage savings accounts.
  • Transaction Processing : Facilitate various financial transactions, including deposits, withdrawals, and transfers.
  • Reporting and Analytics: Generate IFRS/IASB compliant reports on financial performance, customer activity, and other key metrics.

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Finverse 3 e-Marketplace 


  • Product Catalog: Manage a comprehensive product catalog with detailed descriptions, images, and specifications.
  • Inventory Management: Track product inventory levels in real-time across warehouses and fulfillment centers.
  • Order Management: Process customer orders efficiently, including order placement, tracking, and fulfillment.
  • Promotions&  Discounts: Create and manage promotions, discounts, and coupon codes to attract customers.

Vendor Management

  • Vendor Onboarding: Streamline the process of onboarding new vendors to your marketplace.
  • Vendor Performance Management: Track and monitor vendor performance metrics, such as on-time delivery rates and customer satisfaction.
  • Commission Management: Automate commission calculations and payouts to vendors based on their sales.

Customer Management

Customer Accounts: Create customer accounts, manage profiles, and track order history.

Payment Processing: Integrate with secure payment gateways to facilitate online transactions.

Customer Reviews and Ratings: Enable customers to leave reviews and ratings for products and vendors.

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Retail PoS

  • Storefront Management: Design and manage a user-friendly storefront for your marketplace.
  • Search and Filtering: Allow customers to easily search for products using keywords, filters, and categories.
  • Shopping Cart and Checkout: Provide a shopping cart system and a secure checkout process for customers.
  • Order Tracking: Allow customers to track the status of their orders in real-time.
  • Seller Tools: Provide vendors with tools to manage their listings, inventory, and orders within the marketplace.

Finverse 3 for Trade Finance

Documentation & Ledgers

Parties and Documents Management:  managing parties (buyers, sellers, banks) and their related documents (invoices, bills of lading, letters of credit). It can track document lifecycles and approvals.

  • Inventory Management: manage inventory involved in trade transactions, tracking goods in transit, and ensuring proper stock levels for fulfillment.
  • General Ledger and Accounting: robust accounting system for recording trade finance transactions like letters of credit issuance, discounting, and settlements.

Content & Reporting 

  • Content Management System (CMS): Manage website content, such as product descriptions, blog posts, and landing pages.
  • Analytics and Reporting: Gain insights into customer behavior, sales performance, and other key metrics.
  • Reporting and Analytics: Generate reports on trade finance activities, including transaction details, financing costs, and risk exposure.
  • Security: Implement robust security measures to protect customer data and financial transactions.
