Aurigraph Carbon Markets  

High Yield Carbon Credits using Remote sensing technologies for building Trust, Transparency and Traceability

Current Methodologies

Current methods include the use of Satellite imagery to monitor leaf cover for the sequestration of carbon pools. The leaf cover typically represents around 2-5% of the carbon pools in Agro-forestry, resulting in less than 2 Carbon Credits per acre.

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Aurigraph Carbon Methodology

In contrast, Aurigraph Carbon Markets uses Drone based Remote sensing technology to sequester not just green cover but also Above and below ground biomass and soil carbon, increasing the yield dramatically.

  • Drone based Remote sensing sequestration
  • 91% carbon pool capture
  • High yield: 20 -50 Carbon credits/acre
  • Robust transparency with Tokenized smart contracts


    • USD 100-500/acre in the first 10 years earning for landowners
    • Forty-year agreements
    • Market expected to grow by 20 X over next 10 years
    • Zero sign up Fees or hidden costs!

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Transparency.  Traceability. TRUST! 

Remote Sensing Technology

    Aurigraph uses precision laser imaging devices and sensor to capture 3D imaging to create Digital Twins of the land parcels. Land parcels are segmented into smaller units and sequestered for carbon credit capture with a 3D Walk-through of each segment, providing traceability and transparency. Investors and Verifiers may verify each carbon credit with a 3D Virtual walkthrough of the origin.

Aurigraph Carbon Markets

Ensure complete transparency through 

  • Registration, Profiling and Wallet with eKYC for Onboarding stakeholders
  • E-Wallet for Buyers and Sellers with Multi-currency, multi-Sig Wallet

Aurigraph Carbon Markets uses Aurigraph Active Contracts™ for secure trading of Aurigraph Carbon Tokens with Realtime Reconciliation, Settlement and Audit, Traceability, Transparency. Aurigraph  Carbon Markets offers integration with 3rd party Carbon Markets and Exchanges, using Multiple currencies including FIAT, Cryptocurrency and Tokens.

Aurigraph Active Contracts™

Provides Programming, Fractionalization, Audit and compliance and Bespoke trading instruments.

Aurigraph Carbon Token

    Aurigraph Carbon Tokens are generated from sequestering carbon pools in the Digital Twins. The Carbon Credit generated is tokenized to ensure confidentiality while providing programmable currency. Each Aurigraph Carbon Token is backed by a Carbon Credit, guaranteeing the asset value. 

    Aurigraph E-marketplace for ACT involves 

    • Buyers may redeem ACT on ACM to offset emissions
    • Trade ACT on ACM
    • ACT Investment returns pegged to carbon markets in EU/US
  • Aurigraph Carbon Tokens have been built using Aurigraph Real World Asset Tokenization Framework with Carbon Credits as the underlying asset, to deliver hyper-scalability, rigorous Open Data integration and a combination of 4 IR technologies